Know YOUR Divorce Drama
Divorce is trauma. The brain fog is real, you no longer recognize your life, and trauma cannot get better on its own. Your first instinct is to call an attorney--but how do you expect to be READY to make life long, logical decisions in the midst of an active trauma reaction?? The first investment in your future needs to be with a Trauma-Informed Divorce/Child Custody Expert. One who also happens to be a divorced parent and a mental health professional with over 20 years of experience. I've learned the hard way so that you don't have to.
For $400, you get access to training modules that cover the basics of understanding and addressing trauma and how to make sense of the "drama" you likely find yourself trudging through. Add-on options are available for specific situations including but not limited to: narcissist abuse, child custody litigation, co-parenting conflict, child abuse allegations, and intimate partner violence and 1-1 consulations with Courtney Fields, LCSW.